Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ultimate Reset

Are you one of those that don't like to work out, or don't have the time? Beachbody just came out with an AMAZING product called the Ultimate Reset. It will cleanse and jump start your system, leaving you feeling refreshed and energized. Every 21 days I will be holding exclusive challenges using the reset! If you are interested, or want more information email me at

Thursday, March 8, 2012

New Recipes!

I have been so bad blogging lately, with school and the kids activities I have been on OVERLOAD! This past week I have tried 3 different recipes and OMG they are AMAZING! I am working on creating a new tab right now, to put all the new recipes I try. Stay tuned!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Club Membership!

I am sooooooooooo excited! I FINALLY signed up for the Beachbody club membership, I wish I had done it MONTHS ago! It's absolutely amazing!!!! I filled out a little personal info, and the customized a meal plan just for ME! No more counting calories, no more trying to figure out carbs, fiber, and protein! It's all done for me, and for ONLY $2.99 a week! WAY worth it to not have to worry about what I'm going to eat, and what I need to buy at the store. Plus the meals are FABULOUS!
You can sign up for your FREE Beachbody account at with me as your FREE coach! Then upgrade to the club membership!!! It's beyond worth it! You also get 10% off all future Beachbody purchases!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Brazil Butt Lift Challenge!

Summer is just around the corner! Is your BUM BUM ready for that bikini!?! If not then this challenge is for you! Leonardo is the creator of Brazil Butt Lift AND the Victoria Secret Models TRAINER! The secret is out ladies! This is how you get a fabulous behind! I have just a few spots left in my BOMBSHELL challenge! They go fast! Email me for your spot today!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Taste the Rainbow

I saw this picture on pintrest the other day and LOVED it!!!!
Eat less CRAP
C-Carbonated drinks
R-Refined sugars
A-Artificial sweetners and colors
P-Processed food

Eat more FOOD
F-Fruits and Veggies
O-Omega 3 fatty acids
O-Organic lean protein
D-Drink more water!